Monday, November 06, 2006

Fire of Truth study series:'Mariology' part #1

The wonders of the 'online classroom' that many Universities now offer for some classes has inspired me to use this handy blog to offer an online 'continuation' of my various lecture series in the 'Bearers of the Light' Program

Our recent series on Mariology was uplifting and enlightening. To 'continue' our study I would like to start a series, a directed self-study of sorts, on the Blessed Mother. By studying what the Church has written about the Blessed Virgin and what some of the greatest Theologians of the past and of today have said we can begin to delve into the wonderful graces that God poured out on to Mary. We then will be able to more clearly understand the role that she has in our relationship with God in the way that she leads us to the foot of the cross of her son, Christ Jesus.

To begin let us read the wonderful Vatican II reflection on the Blessed Mother. It can be found in the Dogmatic Constitution , LUMEN GENTIUM , Spefically Chapter VIII : THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, MOTHER OF GOD IN THE MYSTERY OF CHRIST AND THE CHURCH.

In the next installment of the series we will explore the Catechism of the Catholic Church as well as some ancient and modern theological reflections on the Blessed Mother.

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