Thursday, October 12, 2006

In defense of the Catechism

As a catechist and apologist for the Catholic Church I have confidence and faith in the teaching authority of Holy Magisterium. They are, of course, our authority in interpreting revelation (DV 12)
I have encountered, in my recent lecture series, several people who have been swayed by the concept that the Catechism of the Catholic Church is nothing more than a simple list of doctrinal formulations and theological 'opinion' of sorts which can be readily rejected or disregarded when teaching or representing the Catholic faith. Often this type of argument is referenced when debating 'hot topics' of morality or other controversial issues. Though this seems to be the favored argument of many 'modernist' theologians the problem with this argument is simply that it is NOT TRUE!!!

The Catechism can NOT be disregarded you see. The Catechism was ordered into publication on October 11, 1992 by Pope John Paul II by the Apostolic Constitution, Fidei Depositum. Hence the Catechism's doctrinal authority is proper to the papal magisterium and infact in the Constitution the pope said of the Catechsim that is a "sure norm for the teaching of the faith"

More info about the formation, structure, content, and authority of the Catechsim can be found at the United States Conference of Bishops webpage at

Some of the teachings of the church are hard to follow, as were some of the teachings of Jesus (cf. John 6:60), However we are called to live a faith without compromise. . . There is indeed NO price too high to pay for being faithful to truth.

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